



“Originally the Great Wall was constructed during the Spring and Autumn Periods of 7th century BC. At that time,differnet kingdoms constantly fought against each other to further their own interests. The earliest Great Wall in Chinese history was the Wall of Chu…….During the Qin Dynasty, the building of the 10-thousand-li Great Wall marked the first peak of construction of the Great Wall in Chinese history.During the Western Han Dynasty, to strengthen strategic defense and protect the newly opened silk roads, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty ordered the construction of the Han Great Wall.

10-thousand-li Great Wall 万里长城

2 Warring States Periods 战国时代

3 Attacking the Huns 抵御匈奴

Spring and Autumn Periods 春秋时期

5 silk roads 丝绸之路

6 Grand General  XuDa 大将军徐达

7 Nǚzhen tribe 女真族

8 Shanhaiguan Pass 山海关

9 Hexi Corridor 河西走廊

10 Gobi Desert 戈壁滩

11 Watchtowers 敌台

12 Beacon Towers 烽火台

13 Frontier Area 边疆地区

14 Garrison troops 驻防部队

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